Isabel Güiza-Gomez, CASAS’ member, has published an article in Comparative Politics with Laura García-Montoya & María Paula Saffon. Abstract: Under what conditions can the Left become electorally competitive in exclusionary contexts where actors championing redistribution face barriers to entry? We argue that leftist parties can significantly increase electoral support during inclusionary institutional openings, such as…
Tag: Latin-america
Who is who in CASAS: Afonso Henrique Fernandes
Afonso Henrique Fernandes holds a Ph.D. in History from the Universidade Federal Fluminense. He is dedicated to teaching and research in Contemporary Social History of Latin America, as well as its political and cultural sociology. In this field he has been developing research focused especially on the role of organizations and associations of landowners and agro-industrial…
Global Commodity Chains and the Pandemic: Labor-Power in Agricultural Sectors in Kenya and Chile
CASAS’ member Patricia Retamal has published this article with Lara M. Espeter in Journal of World-Systems Research Abstract: The availability of labor-power is a critical element of all commodity chains. This is especially true of labor-intensive production processes such as agriculture. The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on this, as well as on many…
Collective action for agroecological transition in the Bolivian Highlands
New publication alert in Spanish! CASAS’ member, Amaya Carrasco Torrontegui, has published with María Quispe, Renato Pardo, Maya Apaza, Roly Cota, Carlos Andrés Gallegos Riofrío, Gabriela Bucini, Colin Anderson, Martha Caswell, Ernesto Méndez a new article in Spanish in “Miradas Plurales” a Latin-American Journal of Politics and Public action. Abstract in English: To facilitate a…
Evolution of Coffee Policies in Mexico. XIX-XXI Centuries
New publication alert! Claudia Oviedo-Rodriguez, CASAS’ member, has just published an article in Revista de Historia, a history journal. Abstract: This paper characterizes the evolution of Mexican coffee policies, addressing howthe state’s interest and its mechanisms for supporting coffee production have changedsignificantly over time. Three major phases of coffee policies were identified. First,during the late…