Lorena Rodríguez Lezica works as an assistant professor at the University of the Republic (UDELAR) in Uruguay, with tasks related to teaching, research, and outreach (extensión) focused on agrarian issues from feminist and ecological perspectives. Her research areas include family farming, agroecology, rural wage labor, and socio-environmental health in agroextractivist contexts. She holds a degree in International Studies from the College of Saint Scholastica (Minnesota, USA), a Master’s in Latin American Studies from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador), a Master’s in Rural Territorial Development from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Ecuador), and is a PhD candidate in Agrarian Social Studies at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina). Within UDELAR, she is part of the interdisciplinary group Observatorio de la Cuestión Agraria de Uruguay, and at the Latin American level, she is a member of the CLACSO Working Group on Bodies, Territories, and Feminisms. She is a feminist and ecologist activist in Uruguay and is part of the Latin American collective Miradas Críticas del Territorio desde el Feminismo.
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