Lorena Rodríguez Lezica works as an assistant professor at the University of the Republic (UDELAR) in Uruguay, with tasks related to teaching, research, and outreach (extensión) focused on agrarian issues from feminist and ecological perspectives. Her research areas include family farming, agroecology, rural wage labor, and socio-environmental health in agroextractivist contexts. She holds a degree…
Tag: South America
Limits and possibilities of contemporary land struggles by Indigenous Peoples, Black Communities and Campesinxs in the Colombian Amazon
Itayosara Rojas Herrera, CASAS’ member, has published this article in the Journal of Peasant Studies. Abstract: In Colombia, rural working people’s struggles are led by Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Colombians, and Campesinxs, each with platforms for land claims. While these efforts have yielded significant titles and land areas, contradictions arise as the state’s and capital’s attempts to…
The Making of an Indigenous Community and the Limits of Community: Class Differentiation and Social Ties in Southern Chile
Carlos Bolomey Córdova, CASAS’ member, has published an article in Rural Sociology. Abstract: This article seeks to challenge essentialist comprehensions of rural Indigenous communities through examining one particular Mapuche community who were the recipients of a land subsidy. Mapuche people are the largest Indigenous group in Chile. Since the 1990s, the Chilean government, responding to…
Who is who in CASAS: Afonso Henrique Fernandes
Afonso Henrique Fernandes holds a Ph.D. in History from the Universidade Federal Fluminense. He is dedicated to teaching and research in Contemporary Social History of Latin America, as well as its political and cultural sociology. In this field he has been developing research focused especially on the role of organizations and associations of landowners and agro-industrial…
Book review: Now we are in power: The politics of passive revolution in twenty-first-century Bolivia by Angus McNelly.
Afonso Henrique Fernandes, CASAS’ member, has reviewed this book in the Journal of Agrarian Change. The book is a case study about Evo Morales’ government in Bolivia, which is the first indigenous government in the history of this country. It is based on an etnographic research conducted between 2016 and 2019. Read the full review…