Prosper Turimubumwe, CASAS’ member, has published an article with Saidi VianeyBaseka in African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences Abstract: Climate change in Africa complicates the existing problems related to improving the livelihood of rural settlers who rely on land as major capital. Drought, floods, pests, and crop diseases are among the major climate…
Tag: climate change
Gender equality for climate justice: Why it matters at COP29. CGIAR Issue Brief Series for Informing COP 29
Aayushi Malhotra has published this report with her colleagues in the CGIAR Issue Brief Series for Informing COP 29. Abstract: Women can be drivers of climate change responses when solutions like climate-smart agriculture are co-designed, for better productivity, adaptation and mitigation outcomes. Inclusive climate action needs more gender-disaggregated data. Gender data gaps severely limit design…
Peasant Seed Sovereignty and Climate Justice in a Biotechnological World
Check out this just-published book chapter by Carol Hérnandez, CASAS member: Abstract: Peasant agriculture and its agrobiodiversity systems are at a juncture in which two global processesimpose significant challenges for their sustainability: climate change and the expansion of agriculturalbiotechnology supported by a regimen of intellectual property rights over plant genetic resources. Inthis article, I explore…
Call for papers and participation: Conference on Climate Change and Agrarian Justice
JPS, TNI, PLAAS and CASAS announce the International Online Conference on Climate Change and Agrarian Justice, on September 26-29, 2022 Call for papers and participation Climate change is inextricably entwined with capitalism, but how the relationship between capitalism and climate change plays out in the rural world requires deeper analysis. In particular, the way agrarian…