CASAS’ member Patricia Retamal has published this article with Lara M. Espeter in Journal of World-Systems Research Abstract: The availability of labor-power is a critical element of all commodity chains. This is especially true of labor-intensive production processes such as agriculture. The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on this, as well as on many…
Tag: Africa
Technological Innovation, the Changing Nature of Work and the Implications for Trade Unionism in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Ruth Castel-Branco, CASAS’ member, has published with colleagues Thabang Sefalafala & Musawenkosi H. Malabela a chapter in the book “The Evolving Structure of South Africa’s Economy: Faultlines and Futures” Abstract: In July 2021, South Africa experienced an unprecedented wave of social unrest, highlighting deep social, economic and political fissures. Since the end of apartheid, income…
Building Resilient Urban Infrastructure and Innovation for Urban Public Health: A Case Study of Bloemfontein, South Africa
CASAS’ member, Johannes Bhanye and his colleagues Siphokazi Rammile, Timothy Lehobo, and Mareli Hugo has published this chapter in the book “Sustainable Development Goals and Urban Health”. Abstract: This chapter examines the relationship between SDG 9 and urban public health, refecting on successes, pitfalls and inherent gaps in attaining this goal and how they affect…
Water and Sanitation for Urban Health: A Gender Perspective on Impacts and Coping Strategies in Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Johannes Bhanye, CASAS’ member, has published a chapter in the book “Sustainable Development Goals and Urban Health”, with Abongile Mgwele, and Kgosi S. Mocwagae. This chapter investigates the gender disparities and implications of inadequate water and sanitation in the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality. The study further explores the coping strategies employed by women in selected Mangaung…
Peasant Agroecology in Africa and Latin America
Boaventura Monjane, CASAS’ member, has published this article with Peter Rosset in the journal Food Studies. Abstract: Agroecology is a word with multiple definitions. Some define it as a narrow set of technologies to make farming more sustainable, while in a broader sense it is multifaceted and seen as: (a) critical thought —offering critical analysis…