In line with our manifesto principles of engaging in critical agrarian debates, strengthening the co-production of knowledge and broadening the scope of dissemination, we are launching this new initiative: CASAS’ Research Talks. This podcast invites our members to address the key issues of their scholar-activist practice in a modern and popular format. Kicking off the…
Tag: Africa
‘This settlement is just a launch pad to move to better city spaces’: radical sense of place and migration aspirations among youth migrants in the diaspora
CASAS’ member, Johannes Bhanye, has published an article with Abraham Matamanda & Ruvimbo Shayamunda in Comparative Migration Studies journal. Abstract: This ethnographic study investigates the perceptions of place and migration aspirations among young migrants within the Malawian diaspora in Lydiate, an informal settlement in Zimbabwe. Unlike traditional conceptions of diaspora that emphasize long-term settlement and…
30 minutes with Morgan Ody: La Via Campesina, challenges facing the agrarian world and the Nyéléni process
Rama Salla Dieng, CASAS’ member has hosted an interview with Morgan Ody. This interview with Morgan Ody is part of a bilingual channel, created in 2016 by Rama Salla Dieng, CASAS’ member. It contains 30-minute interviews halfway between education & entertainment on current issues for the African continent. The conversations are multidisciplinary with inspiring academics,…
Climate Change Shocks and Land Resource in reconstructing Peoples’ Livelihoods in Rural Areas of Sub-Saharan Countries
Prosper Turimubumwe, CASAS’ member, has published an article with Saidi VianeyBaseka in African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences Abstract: Climate change in Africa complicates the existing problems related to improving the livelihood of rural settlers who rely on land as major capital. Drought, floods, pests, and crop diseases are among the major climate…
Factors Underlying Kidnapping in Southern Taraba State, Nigeria
Yikwab Yikwabs, CASAS’ member, has published an article in Zenodo with Usman Umoru, Arokoyo Jacob Eniola & Moses Danjum Musa. Abstract: Nigeria has been thrown into a quagmire by a vicious cycle manifested in different forms of criminalities. The appalling carnage perpetrated by Boko Haram in the north and the wanton mayhem unleashed by militants…