The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS), College of Humanities and Development Studies (COHD) of China Agricultural University (Beijing), Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies at the University of the Western Cape (PLAAS), Young African Researchers in Agriculture (YARA), Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC), and the Global South Young Critical Agrarian Studies Scholars – CASAS (the…
Moments in Beijing, July 2019
The 2019 JPS-COHD writeshop was organized on 1-7 July in Beijing. After the writeshop, the attendees formed the Global South Young Critical Agrarian Scholars and drafted “Towards a solidarity-based network of agrarian studies global-south scholars: A manifesto”.
Rural public health systems and accountability politics: insights from grassroots health rights defenders in Guatemala
Abstract: As the pandemic reveals how multiple intersecting inequalities affect public health, the work of rural activists defending their communities’ rights to health, land, and gender, ethnic and environmental justice demonstrate how intersectional analysis can be put into practice. In the interviews that follow, Guatemalan Maya Tz’utujil activists Paulina Culum and Benilda Batzin describe how…
Small Grant Scheme on Pandemics, Cities, Regions & Industry
The Regional Studies Association (RSA) is committed to supporting the global community in researching and disseminating evidence on how regions, cities and industry are addressing the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This Small Grant Scheme has been launched to support our community in this work. The money to fund this scheme has been repurposed from…
How Ghana’s COVID-19 measures locked down ‘food for the working poor’
Ghana announced its first two imported cases of COVID-19 on the 12th of March 2020. By the 7th of May, the cases had shot up to 3,091 with 18 deaths. Accra, the capital city has become the epicentre of the outbreak. To contain the spread, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) shut down and fumigated all markets…