CASAS’ member, Natacha Bruna, has published a new article in Feminist Africa. Abstract: The implementation of market-based top-down climate mitigation policies is resulting in the expropriation of emission rights of non-polluters while fuelling accumulation by powerful actors. Redirecting political energy from African feminism to alternative non-extractivist climate solutions requires the recognition of the role of…
Doing urban research on ‘hard-to-reach’ populations during the COVID-19 pandemic: advantages and ethical dilemmas using digital ethnography as a new alternative
CASAS’ member, Johannes Bhanye, has recently published this article in Discover Global Society with Lameck Kachena, Abraham Matamanda & Ruvimbo Shayamunda. Abstract: This paper presents insights on conducting urban research amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the adoption of digital ethnography as an innovative and flexible approach. Drawing from an expanding body of literature on fieldwork…
The forgotten repression: peasants and the dictatorship in a rural area of the Baixada fluminense
Gabriel Souza Bastos, CASAS’ member, has published this article in Portuguese in the journal Ruris. Abstract: In this article, I analyze the memorialistic dynamics of repressive events carried out after the coup of 1964, whose target was peasant populations in a locality known as Pedra Lisa, currently in the municipality of Japeri, where land struggles…
Action Research for Climate Justice: Challenging the Carbon Market and False Climate Solutions in Mozambique
Natacha Bruna and Boaventura Monjane, CASAS’ members, has written this chapter, which has been included in the book “Climate Justice and Participatory Research: building climate-resilient commons” edited by Patricia E. Perkins. This chapter seeks to highlight a new element in the rush for natural resources in countries like Mozambique: carbon. This new commodity, which is…
“We are protectors, not protestors”: global impacts of extractivismon human–nature bonds
CASAS’ member, Grettel Navas, has published an article with Ksenija Hanaček, Dalena Tran, Arielle Landau, Teresa Sanz, May Aye Thiri, Daniela Del Bene, Juan Liu, Mariana Walter, Aida Lopez, Brototi Roy, Eleonora Fanari & Joan Martinez-Alier in Sustainable Science. Abstract: This article analyzes the global impacts of extractivism on human–nature bonds. To do so, we…