Conventionally, Global South scholars refer to researchers and/or activists from developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. However, we aim to conceptualize the Global South beyond a geographical and binary notion. It also encompasses the many differences existing within northern countries, where scholars from the working class, migrants and their children, women, indigenous peoples – among other marginalized groups – face similar obstacles. We also acknowledge that in the Global South, there are capitalist structures of knowledge production which enforce class divisions, social and environmental injustice. Usually, at the top of those structures are elites influenced by colonial ways of knowledge production. Therefore, we also problematize the idea that the world is just divided between South and North: multiple intersections need to be recognized. The Global South is therefore understood, not merely as a place of provenance of researchers and scholar-activists, but situated within a broad framework of social struggles.

CASAS at COHD-CAU, Beijing, October 2023
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