New publication alert! Anderson Silva, a CASAS member, alongside Eduardo Paulon Girardi has just published the preliminary version of their e-book about the advance of soy, conflicts and deforestation, and human rights violations in the Matopiba region of Brazil.
The Mini-Atlas of the Agrarian Question of Matopiba is an initiative that contributes to critical agrarian studies related to the expansion of the agricultural frontier of Matopiba, over the Cerrado Biome (Brazilian Savanna). Composed of the layers: i) Characterization of Agricultural Establishments; ii) Advancement of Soy and Deforestation and iii) Typology of Conflicts of the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) between the years 2015-2022, the Mini-Atlas offers a comprehensive and detailed view of the different aspects of the Agrarian Question, allowing an ‘analysis more accurate and informed critique of trends and problems related to the expansion of Matopiba’s agricultural frontier. Using the statistical methods of linear regression and multivariate analysis, the maps that make up the Mini-Atlas explore the relationship between the advance of soy, conflicts and deforestation in the Matopiba region. With detailed information on different aspects of the region, the Mini-Atlas offers valuable insights into the impact of agricultural expansion on the Cerrado Biome and local traditional communities, as well as addressing crucial social and human rights issues in identifying territories most likely to of human rights violations. Such information is essential to prevent and combat these violations.
You can download the preliminary version of the book, all in Portuguese, by clicking here.
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