31 January 2023 was Jun’s last day as Editor of the Journal of Peasant Studies after 15 years of working for the journal. This year is also the 50th anniversary of JPS! We want to share Jun’s laudatio piece for La Vía Campesina on its 30th anniversary, which has just been released. This is Open Access.
La Via Campesina has revalorized agrarian politics, transformed knowledge politics, and co-constructed the field of Critical Agrarian Studies. It has shown the important role of agrarian movements in anti-capitalist struggles and the radical reimagination and construction of a positive future. The significance of LVC is found not in the shrinking numerical size of farming populations or in agriculture’s dwindling macroeconomic contributions to national economies, in relative terms, but in the political heft of what it represents in terms of an alternative future that is so different from the current agrarian world.
Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03066150.2023.2176760
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