This opinion article was written for LASA Forum in Spanish, a version in English will come soon “the problem with expertise and the need to create intercultural in international development”. This reflection is based on the author’s experiences for more than 10 years working for different international development organisations on Indigenous issues. Click below to…
Category: Blogs
timely and short writing samples, opinion pieces, review and reflections, etc.
Diana Aguiar: Conflictos Ambientales y Ecoactivismo en el Cerrado, Sabana Brasileña
L@s invitamos a la sesión online que impartirá Diana Aguiar en la Cátedra Extraordinaria de Bioética del Programa Universitario de Bioética y la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Aquí pueden ver la sesión en nuestro canal de Youtube:
Call for papers and participation: Conference on Climate Change and Agrarian Justice
JPS, TNI, PLAAS and CASAS announce the International Online Conference on Climate Change and Agrarian Justice, on September 26-29, 2022 Call for papers and participation Climate change is inextricably entwined with capitalism, but how the relationship between capitalism and climate change plays out in the rural world requires deeper analysis. In particular, the way agrarian…
Call for Applications – 4th Annual Writeshop
Are you an early-career scholar from the Global South? Do you work on issues linked to Critical AgrarianStudies? Would you like to get support and feedback to improve your publishing skills? Don’t think it twice and join our 4th Annual Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism that will take place on December 5-10, 2022,…
Carol Hernandez’s new article in Geoforum on Seed Sovereignty and Conflict in Chiapas
Carol Hernandez, CASAS member, has just published “Without Food there is No Resistance: The Impact of the Zapatista Conflict on Agrobiodiversity and Seed Sovereignty in Chiapas, Mexico” with coauthors Hugo Perales and Daniel Jaffee. This paper is part of a special issue titled Agrobiodiversity Change in Violent Conflict and Post-Conflict Landscapes, coordinated by Gabriel Tamariz and Megan…