We are witnessing a new momentum in critical agrarian studies. In the last two decades, multiple crises around food, feed, fuel, natural resources extractivism, land, finance, labor, migration, environment and human rights have converged. All of these contribute to global resource grabbing in an era of capitalism and climate change which affect the most vulnerable…
Author: Schluwa Sama
Schluwa Sama Born in Kurdistan, Iraq in 1988, Schluwa is a PhD student at the Center for Kurdish Studies, University of Exeter, UK. She earned a master’s degree in ‘Politics of the Middle East’ from SOAS, University of London (2013) as well as a master’s degree in ‘Politics and Economics of the Middle East’ at the University of Marburg (Germany) (2014). Upon the completion of her masters’ degree, Schluwa has worked as a teacher and researcher in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan, published on the topics of agricultural deprivation, oil economy, neoliberalism and the Iraqi revolution in Jacobin magazine, for the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, OpenDemocracy and the German media collective ‘Dis:orient’. Schluwa’s ethnographic PhD research explores processes of de(valuation) of agricultural life in Iraq through a political-economic lens. Schluwa can be reached via email: schluwa.s@gmail.com and ss874@exeter.ac.uk
The corona pandemic and Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan’s agriculture: Food imports, strong domestic cereal production and the resilience of small-scale farmers
In Iraq, including the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI), the current official number of people infected is 2,818 with 110 people dead. A curfew had been imposed that left no freedom to circulate other than for health workers and security forces. This is lifted to a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am with some…