We are witnessing a new momentum in critical agrarian studies. In the last two decades, multiple crises around food, feed, fuel, natural resources extractivism, land, finance, labor, migration, environment and human rights have converged. All of these contribute to global resource grabbing in an era of capitalism and climate change which affect the most vulnerable…
Author: Priscila de Carvalho
Priscila Delgado de Carvalho is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Democracy - INCT, Brazil (Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia - Democracia e Democratização da Comunicação) interested in the intersections between rural populations, their political action and democracy in Latin America. Recently published papers: Além da forma-movimento: Compilações do Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores, Revista Brasileira de Sociologia, 2020 (Beyond movement-form: Small Farmers Movement Modes of Gathering). Forthcoming: Collective action and political change: public and semi-public strategies of Brazilian rural movements (1990s-2017) in Latin American Perspectives, and Cross-Movement in Latin America: Lessons from the Mercosur Confederation of Family Farming Organisations (Coprofam), in Moving the Social (co-authorship with Juliana Luiz and Marco Teixeira). She holds a Ph.D in Political Science from Federal University of Minas Gerais (2018) and was visiting scholar at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2017). Carvalho had 10-year experience in communications advisory working for professional associations, NGOs and the Brazilian Federal government. Was operative secretary of the People´s Summit at Rio+20 (2012).CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1686317804189819; Email: prisciladcarvalho@gmail.com
In Paraguay, COVID-19 exposes the problems of land concentration: food imports and the limits of policies for peasant support
The government of Paraguay adopted preventive sanitary measures on March 10th, prohibiting activities that gather many people, and, later, on March 28th, adopted stronger measures for isolation. On March 13th, the government announced an increase in the value of the cash transfer programs to the vulnerable and senior population (Tekoporã and Adulto Mayor). There were…