L@s invitamos a la sesión online que impartirá Diana Aguiar en la Cátedra Extraordinaria de Bioética del Programa Universitario de Bioética y la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Aquí pueden ver la sesión en nuestro canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvdB_V1x8Ww
Author: Carol Hernández
Carol Hernandez holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Portland State University, U.S., and is a professor/researcher at the University Program of Bioethics, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her areas of interest focus on agriculture and climate change, seed sovereignty, and indigenous social movements.
Carol Hernandez’s new article in Geoforum on Seed Sovereignty and Conflict in Chiapas
Carol Hernandez, CASAS member, has just published “Without Food there is No Resistance: The Impact of the Zapatista Conflict on Agrobiodiversity and Seed Sovereignty in Chiapas, Mexico” with coauthors Hugo Perales and Daniel Jaffee. This paper is part of a special issue titled Agrobiodiversity Change in Violent Conflict and Post-Conflict Landscapes, coordinated by Gabriel Tamariz and Megan…
Meet the JPS Writeshop 2021 participants!
It is a great pleasure to introduce the Third Cohort of the JPS – CASAS – CODH – YARA – PLAAS Annual Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar Activism. After a challenging selection process, the organisers invited 67 participants, 35 women, 32 men, from 24 countries in the South, mostly PhD researchers and postdocs,…