We are witnessing a new momentum in critical agrarian studies. In the last two decades, multiple crises around food, feed, fuel, natural resources extractivism, land, finance, labor, migration, environment and human rights have converged. All of these contribute to global resource grabbing in an era of capitalism and climate change which affect the most vulnerable…
Author: Diana Aguiar
A Brazilian researcher-activist working on the interface of agrarian change and political ecology, with a focus on agribusiness and logistics frontier expansion towards the Amazon and Cerrado (savanna) ecosystems as well as peasant and indigenous resistances. Diana is a postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate Programme on Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society (CDPA) at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). She obtained her bachelor’s degree from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), her MA from the Institute of International Relations of PUC-Rio (IRI/PUC-Rio) and her PhD in Urban and Regional Planning at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR/UFRJ) (2019). Diana was a visiting researcher at Brown University (2008) and at the Nucleus for Higher Amazonian Studies (NAEA/UFPA) (2016). From 2015-2020, she was a Research Associate at FASE, a 60-year-old Brazilian social organization, having represented it in diverse activist networks, such as the National Campaign in Defense of the Cerrado, the No to ProSavana Campaign and the Global Forest Coalition. From 2012 to 2015 she was a Researcher at the Economic Justice team of the Transnational Institute (TNI). From 2008 to 2010 she was Global Program Coordinator for the International Gender and Trade Network (IGTN). She has translated several short pieces and two books from English to Portuguese. Her email address is: dianaguiar@gmail.com
Relevant publications:
AGUIAR, Diana. A Geopolítica de Infraestrutura da China na América do Sul: um estudo a partir do caso do Tapajós na Amazônia brasileira. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: ActionAid Brasil, FASE, 2017. v. 1000. 83p.
AGUIAR, Diana; Vecchione, Marcela . Requiem for a Dream of Progress: the political economy of megadams in the Brazilian Amazon. In: AGUIAR, Diana; VARGAS, Monica. (Org.). Peoples Sovereignty vs Impunity Inc. 1ed. Amsterdam: Transnational Institute, 2015, v. , p. 90-111.
AGUIAR, Diana; PACHECO, M. E. L. (Org.). The South-South Cooperation of the Peoples of Brazil and Mozambique. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FASE, 2016. v. 1. 48p.