We are witnessing a new momentum in critical agrarian studies. In the last two decades, multiple crises around food, feed, fuel, natural resources extractivism, land, finance, labor, migration, environment and human rights have converged. All of these contribute to global resource grabbing in an era of capitalism and climate change which affect the most vulnerable…
Author: Deniz Pelek
Deniz Pelek is a postdoctoral researcher in the MIGRADEMO Project in the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in Spain. She received her Ph.D. from Bogazici University and the University of Paris-8 (cotutelle) in 2019. She is an affiliated researcher at Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes (Istanbul) since 2017. She was a visiting researcher at Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (Paris) in 2017-2018. She is a member of Rural Studies Network (Turkey), Seasonal Labour Migration Network (Turkey) and the Axis of Migration and Mobilities at the Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes (Turkey). Her research interests include rural studies, political sociology, migration and refugee studies. Her recent publications are ‘Ethnic residential segregation among seasonal migrant workers: from temporary tents to new rural ghettos in southern Turkey’ in Journal of Peasant Studies (forthcoming), ‘Kırsal dönüşüm sürecinde Yeni Köylülük mü yoksa Yeni İşçilik mi doğuyor?’ in Toplum ve Bilim (forthcoming), 'La « réfugiérisation de la main-d’œuvre » agricole en Turquie : le cas des travailleurs saisonniers syriens' in Migrations Société (2019) and 'Syrian refugees as seasonal migrant workers: re-construction of unequal power relations in Turkish agriculture' in Journal of Refugee Studies (2018). Her email address is: deniz.pelek@uab.cat
Her institutional profile: https://migrademo.eu/team-2/
Her research gate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Deniz_Pelek
Her google scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3LqS9ZkAAAAJ&hl=tr
Agricultural production and COVID-19 disease in Turkey: emergent contradictions and solidarities
by Deniz Pelek Turkey announced its first confirmed case of COVID-19 on 11 March 2020, relatively later than many other countries. Several precautions were taken gradually for preventing the spread of the virus. Schools and universities were closed and distance education started; a travel ban was imposed to most countries where the number of COVID-19…