We are witnessing a new momentum in critical agrarian studies. In the last two decades, multiple crises around food, feed, fuel, natural resources extractivism, land, finance, labor, migration, environment and human rights have converged. All of these contribute to global resource grabbing in an era of capitalism and climate change which affect the most vulnerable…
Author: Andrea Sosa
Postdoctoral researcher at the National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET) and member of the Rural Studies and Globalization Program (PERYG) at the Institute of Higher Social Studies, National University of San Martín (IDAES-UNSAM), Argentina. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1987, where she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). In 2017 she completed her cotutelle PhD studies in Social Sciences (UBA) and in Rural Studies (Université Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès, UT2J, France). She has been a lecturer in Methodology of Research in Social Sciences at UBA since 2009, and in 2013 was incorporated to the UBA XXII ‘Education in Prisons’ program. Since 2008, she has obtained several scholarships and awards to study and conduct research in Argentina and abroad (academic exchanges to France, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, China) from institutions and programs such as Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CONICET, UNSAM, Robert S. McNamara Fellowship Program, UT2J, French Embassy, Argentinian Ministry of Education, Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), UBA, Institute Français d’Ámerique Latine (IFAL). Her main research interests are agribusiness, financialization, land grabbing, productive networks, entrepreneurial practices, food regimes, development. She is currently focusing on agroecological transitions, as well as on ‘green’ finance and ‘green grabbing’.
Some of her most recent online publications are: The role of custom farming in agribusiness expansion in Argentina, Journal of Peasant Studies, 2021. Network companies, land grabbing, and financialization in South America, Globalizations, 2021 (co-authored with Carla Gras). Estrategias de legitimación de la producción flexible en el agro. Un análisis de las prácticas discursivas de las empresas en red en Argentina, Mundo Agrario, 2019. Las megaempresas del agronegocio: un estudio del modelo productivo a partir de las prácticas empresariales, Estudios Socioterritoriales, 2019. Acaparadores ‘financieros’ y ‘productivos’ en América Latina. Trayectorias, lógicas empresariales y vínculos. In Constantino, A. (Comp.), Fiebre por la tierra: debates sobre el land grabbing en Argentina y América Latina, 2019. Las estrategias empresariales del agronegocio en la era de la financiarización. El caso de El Tejar, Mundo Agrario, 2018 (co-authored with Samuel Frederico). El modelo de negocios de las principales empresas agropecuarias (co-authored with Carla Gras). In Gras, C. and Hernández, V. (Comps.), El agro como negocio: producción, sociedad y territorios en la globalización. She translated seven social sciences and humanities books from French, also translated articles from English and Portuguese, and collaborated with many publishing houses in different projects.
Lockdown affecting agribusiness and local food producers differently in Argentina. Challenges and opportunities for food sovereignty.
In the whole Argentine territory, a quarantine was declared by the recently elected Peronist government in the early stages of contagion itself, on 19 March. Unlike other Latin American countries, there was less hesitation in implementing this measure to control the spread of the virus, even at the cost of other concerns such as economic…