Atakan Büke is a research affiliate at the Research Centre Global
Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) at Leipzig University, where he has recently
completed a three-year post-doc. He holds a PhD in sociology from
Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Türkiye). Informed by social
theory, sociological theories of capitalist modernity and development,
critical agrifood studies, and more recently science and technology
studies, he works especially on the agrarian/peasant question, food
regime and agrifood system analysis, emerging alternative
socio-ecological agrifood movements, and agrifood digitalization as
socio-technical imaginaries and socio-material assemblages. He is a
founding member of the Yerküre Local Studies Research Cooperative
(based in Ankara, Türkiye) and a board member of the Research
Committee on Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC40) of the
International Sociological Association (ISA).