I was part of the 2020 JPS writeshop (a fantastic experience!) and have collaborated with CASAS since then. I hold a PhD in Sociology from Portland State University and was a professor at the Department of Sociology from 2016 to 2019. Since 2021, I have been an associate researcher at the University Program of Bioethics (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and coordinate the Environmental Bioethics, Climate Change & Agrifood Systems Research Program. My interests include social movements for food and seed sovereignty, climate change and agrobiodiversity conservation, and the environmental impacts of agrifood systems. Currently, I’m working on a collective research project focused on assessing the capacity of indigenous subsistence agriculture to adapt to climate change.
These are some of my publications:
(2022). Seed Sovereignty as Decommodification Journal of Peasant Studies
(2022). Without Food There is No Resistance. Geoforum
(2023). Book Review: Endangered Maize: Industrial Agriculture and the Crisis of Extinction. Journal of Agrarian Change
(2023) Cultivos genéticamente modificados y seguridad alimentaria. Conbioética
(2020). Emociones, semillas nativas y cambio climático: el movimiento de soberanía de las semillas en Chiapas, México. Estudios de Cultura Maya
(2023). Transforming critical agrarian studies: Solidarity, scholar-activism and emancipatory agendas in and from the Global South. Journal of Peasant Studies
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