By: Debottam Saha, Kranthi Nanduri & Raya Das (All authors contributed equally, names of the authors appear in alphabetical order) On January 26, 2021, the people of India celebrated the 72nd anniversary of their republic and constitution. Every year on this day, the President of India unfurls the national flag amidst a spectacular parade by…
Author: Raya Das
Raya Das is a Doctoral Student at Centre for the Study of
Regional Development in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Delhi, India. She is working on her PhD thesis titled ‘Agrarian relation in Global South: a case study of West Bengal’. The purpose of the study is to identify the hindrances faced by the small farmers in interlinked market transactions, intra-household labour allocation, the opportunities and risks faced by them, feminization agricultural work and migration from agricultural households based on field evidence. She did her MPhil on economic sustenance of farmers in India, based on household-level data of large official agricultural household survey in India.