Afonso Henrique de M. Fernandes, CASAS’ member, has published this article in Portuguese in the journal Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios Agrarios.
Abstract: The present work aims to discuss and present how Antonio Gramsci’s concept of extended State contributed as a theoretical and methodological tool for studying organizations of businessmen and rural landowners between 1986 and 1991. Focusing on the political experience of the Brazilian Agriculture Front (FAAB), the object of study of the author’s master’s thesis, the aim is, firstly, to present the main
debates and concepts that shape Gramsci’s idea of an extended State, and, then, to point out how such concepts contribute to the understanding of the political experience of the so-called “Frente Ampla”. Thus, it can be concluded that the aforementioned theoretical and methodological instrument contributes in two fundamental aspects. In addition to allowing us to reflect on the object of study from a historical perspective, the concept of the Extended State allows us to understand the meaning of the FAAB’s political experience as an important private apparatus of hegemony of the agro-industrial fractions of the Brazilian agrarian ruling classes during the political transition from military dictatorship to the current democraticliberal regime.
Read the full article in Portuguese here:
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