Boaventura Monjane (from Mozambique) holds a PhD on Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship (Sociology), from the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra. He is based at the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS, UWC) as a postdoctoral researcher and is also a fellow of the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies of the RLS. He is also an associate fellow at the Centre for African Studies (CEA, UEM). His areas of interest and research include agrarian movements, rural politics, food sovereignty, and climate change. He has been involved in agrarian social movements, both locally and internationally, working with the National Farmer’s Union of Mozambique (UNAC) and the International Secretariat of La Via Campesina. He was also involved in the production of professional film documentaries (Land of Plenty, Land but of a Few, TIERRA EN SUSPENSO: Amenazas y resistencias en Cabo Delgado and We Rise for Ou Land) on the topics of his interest. He is editor of the Grassroots Voices section in the Journal of Peasant Studies. Boaventura is also the coordinator of the Southern Africa Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power at the Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC) in Cape Town, South Africa.
Read more: Who is who in CASAS? Boaventura MonjaneRECENT PUBLICATIONS
Journal Articles
Monjane, B. (2023). Resisting agrarian neoliberalism and authoritarianism: Struggles towards a progressive rural future in Mozambique. Journal of Agrarian Change, 23( 1), 185– 203.
Monjane, B.; Bruna, Natacha (2020), Confronting agrarian authoritarianism: dynamics of resistance to PROSAVANA in Mozambique, The Journal of Peasant Studies 47 1: 69-94. 2019.1671357
Book Chapters
Monjane, B. (2022). Agrarian Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism, and the Political Reactions from below in Southern Africa. Political Science| Volume 132, 219.
Monjane, B. (2022). A grande batalha pela terra: entre o neoliberalismo fundiário e as resistências camponesas em Moçambique. In Boaventura de S. Santos and Teresa Cunha (Ed.), Economias de bem viver. Contra o desperdício de experiências (pp. 281-307), Coimbra: Edições Almedina.Monjane, Boaventura. 2020a. “Confronting State Authoritarianism: Civil Society and Community-Based Solidarity in Southern Africa.” In Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Aid During The Covid-19 Crises, edited by Marina Sitrin and Colectiva Sembrar, 1st ed., 105–20. London: Pluto Press.
Monjane, Boaventura. (2020). “Resistencias Campesinas, Agroecología y Soberanía Alimentaria: Narrativas y Prácticas de La Unión Nacional de Campesinos de Mozambique.” In Soberanía Alimentaria: Prácticas y Saberes Locales Para Un Movimiento Global Contrahegemónico, edited by Giovanna Micarelli and Luciana Buainain Jacob, 1st ed., 40–57. Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Book reviews:
Monjane, Boaventura. 2019. “Agroecology: Science and Politics by Peter M. Rosset and Miguel A. Altieri, Canada: Fernwood Publishing and Practical Action Publishing, 2017, $19 (ISBN: ISBN: 9781552669754), 160 Pp.” The Journal of Peasant Studies.
Monjane, Boaventura (2021) (ed). We rise for our land: land struggles and state repression in Southern Africa. Otowa and Harare, Canada: Daraja Press.
Monjane, Boaventura (2021) (ed). Aporias de Moçambique Pós-colonial: Estado, Capital, Sociedade. Maputo and Otowa, Mozambique: Daraja Press.